1847 Queen Victoria Proof Plain Edge Gothic Crown
Victoria (1837 - 1901), Proof Gothic Crown, 1847, plain edge, crowned Gothic bust left, rev struck en médaille, crowned cruciform shields, emblems in angles, Garter star at centre, date in Roman numerals (S 3888; ESC 2578 (291B) [R2]; L&S 58; Davies 471)
The most spectacular crown in the entire British Milled series. The Proof Gothic Crowns with plain edges were only struck in very small numbers. Designed by William Wyon (1795-1851) who was also designed the equally impressive gold "Una and the Lion" Five Pound pieces dated 1839 also in Roman numerals. This example has glass like reflective fields, with the obverse field in front of the bust showing a series a marks. Nonetheless a very bold and imposing GEF example of the very rare and desirable crown, highlighted by the subtle hints of toning in and around the legends.