
1644 Charles I British Museum Electrotype Rawlins Crown by Robert Ready

  1.  Robert Ready British Museum Electrotype of the celebrated Charles I (1625 - 49) Oxford Mint (1642-46) Rawlin's Crown, mm. Floriated Cross on Obverse only, 1644 figure of King on Horseback left. Brandishing sword riding over a view of the city, rev. Floral scrolls above and below Declaration, value and three plumes above, date and OXON below (S.2948; N. 2407: Morr A-1; Brooker 876)

    This British Museum electrotype made in the 1800's by Robert Ready is an identical copy of the superb and now ex British Museums collection specimen that would later reside in the famous J G Brooker collection. Unlike the recent and in our opinion rather crudely made copy  sold as a part of the Chislehurst Collection via DNW (which realised £1700 + %) this exquisite example is as the original and the closest most will come to owning an original Rawlin's Crown. 

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